K-state wabash cannonball band instruments
K-state wabash cannonball band instruments
K-state wabash cannonball band instruments catalog...
K-State Marching Band
The Pride of Wildcat Land
Since its humble beginnings in 1887, Professor Alexander Brown organized fifteen student-musicians into the first band at was then known as Kansas State Agricultural College.
The K-State Marching Band, now known to Wildcat fans as the "Pride of the Wildcat Land," has come a great distance in many, many ways.
The K-State Marching Band made its first appearance with an athletic team in 1898 when it escorted the college's baseball team to a game.
Having now grown to over 300 members, the K-State band represents our university, the city and community of Manhattan, and the state of Kansas each year at home and across the country at home games, NFL exhibitions, bowl games, parades and festivals, and countless alumni, charity, and community events.
The K-State Band has become an integral part of its community and has a rich history of recognition and support at every level: public school directors and students, the K-State student b