Living colour band biography templates

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    Living colour band biography templates

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    Living Colour members are Vernon Reid, guitar, born c.

    1958 in London; Corey Glover, vocals; Muzz Skillings, bass, born c. 1964; and William Calhoun, drums. Addresses: Record company-- Epic Records, 666 Fifth Ave., P.O. Box 4455, New York, NY 10101.

    Living colour band biography templates free

    Other-- Black Rock Coalition, P.O. Box 1054, Cooper Station, New York, NY 10276.

    The New York rock and roll band Living Colour, with its hard-hitting songs and expert musicianship, had all the ingredients for success when it first approached the music industry.

    Yet record labels didn't know what to do with the band, for the simple reason that all four of its members were black. Despite music-business stereotyping, Living Colour proceeded to banish all doubt with their 1988 debut album Vivid, which went gold, and their 1990 follow-up Time's Up, spearheading a wave of eclectic an